St. John's is blessed with many ministries of discipleship at St. John's. The following is a list and description of various ways we live out God's call and spread the Good News:
Bible with Breakfast
Meets every Thursday at 6:30 a.m. at the Downtown Deli in Elkhart, unless posted otherwise. Those gathered visit over breakfast and finish their time with a short thought devotion.Book club meets monthly by Zoom. Books are chosen by the group. Contact Ellie Tom for the current book and when the next meeting is being held. Book Club email
Formation classes or bible studies happen throughout the year. Check our current newsletter for information on upcoming or current classes.
Elementary age on up may serve with training to assist at the altar with Sunday Mass. The head of the acolytes is the Verger - a sort of "Master of Ceremonies."Altar Guild
Helps prepare for Sunday Mass and other liturgies with set up and clean up. The Altar Guild serves as a vital "behind-the-scenes" ministry.Chalice Bearers/Servers - or Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Administer the chalice and help with worship on Sunday.Music
Led by the Director of Music, music enhances worship. Special music is offered by talented members and friends of the congregation for celebrations like Christmas and Easter. Remember - no one leaves the service humming the sermon.Lectors - or Readers
Read the Scripture lessons for Sunday Masses and other liturgies.Ushers and Greeters
Help guide those seeking worship by providing a welcoming presence, pass out bulletins, assist at the offertory, and are able to answer questions about church basics.
Service & Ministry
Funerals & Columbarium
Many at St. John's assist those during end-of-life matters through grief support, hospitality needs, and planning. St. John's offers a Columbarium in the Chapel of Christ the King, open to members and their families. For more information, contact St. John's Funeral InquiryMarriage Preparation
St. John's takes marriage preparation seriously. All prospective candidates for marriage must be members of the parish or through special dispensation through the diocese and are expected to complete pre-marriage counseling with the Pastor or available clergy in advance of the planned Wedding day. All marriages must be approved by the Pastor. Wedding informationPastoral Care
Members of St. John’s visit with our homebound members or members in nursing facilities. Some visitors are Lay Eucharistic Visitors that bring communion as well.Prayer Chain
A group of faithful people on call to pray for others as needed. The prayer chain is notified by email or text. All members and friends are invited to participate in prayer. Would you like to have us pray for you? Send your requests herePrayer Shawl Ministry
Produces quality prayer shawls and lap blankets of comfort for those in special needs. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets as needed. Do you know someone who needs to be wrapped in prayer? Let us know
Free concerts. Click Events for more information.
Brat Fest will come back this fall as well. Watch for details.
Community Engagement
Downtown Churches Coalition
St. John's is a member of the ecumenical/community group that brings awareness of various agencies of support in downtown Elkhart.Outreach Committee
Meets every second Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Common Room to discuss various outreach projects locally and globally. The Outreach Committee oversees aid given to children supported in our companion Diocese of Honduras, assists with the Back-to-School Backpack drive for Beardsley School, provides relief buckets to Church World Services, and runs two major fundraising campaigns through our famous St. John's cheeseballs (around Thanksgiving) and soups (January). Contact Outreach if you would like more information or would like to join the group.
St. John's Food Pantry
Click here to learn about St. John’s Food Pantry.