We believe in God, the Father and Creator of the world and all humans in the world. We believe that God, the Father, wants his children to be in full relationship with him. Humans regularly fail at this relationship. So, God worked out a plan to change things. God's Son, Jesus, was born on earth. He lived just as we live and he felt all the pressures and struggles we know. He did not succumb to these pressures and struggles. Jesus proclaimed news about God and what God's kingdom looks like. Some could not abide by love and mercy and killed Jesus for his message. God raised Jesus from the dead. By doing this God broke the outcome of not being in relationship. God gives us life here and now and in eternity through this action.
We are glad to share with you information about our beliefs and about baptism into the community. Please contact Pastor Terri for more information.
As an Episcopal parish,
St. John’s is a part of the Diocese of Northern Indiana of the Episcopal Church and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the third largest global Christian body.
From this Anglican tradition, St. John’s uses The Book of Common Prayer (more commonly referred to as the “Prayer Book” or the BCP) to express both our beliefs and worship based on Holy Scriptures.
We affirm Holy Scriptures as “God inspired,” that “God still speaks to us through the Bible,” and that, “the Holy Spirit guides the Church in the true interpretation of Scriptures” (BCP p. 853-854).
We also confess that the Church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic - the community of the New Covenant charged to administer Word, Sacraments, and Christ’s mission to all people. We are the Body of Christ, called to build up God's Kingdom. We are joined in mission with neighboring Episcopal and community churches in this charge.
As such, discipleship at St. John's is essential. Being formed through the witness of God's love -- whether through renewal or outreach ministries -- is at the heart of discipleship. Leaders are deeply formed in faith to share faith with others.
St. John's offers several missionary outreach opportunities, including the St. John's Food Pantry and the Outreach Committee. The St. John's Food Pantry is the largest pantry in downtown Elkhart, typically serving 100+ families a week. The Outreach Committee engages in neighborhood support, including a back-to-school backpack supply drive and national to global support, including sponsoring children in our companion Diocese of Honduras. There are a variety of ways to be activity in your discipleship at St. John's.